Dr Sharon Kivland
Reader in Fine Art, Sheffield Hallam University
Sharon Kivland is an artist and writer, who divides her life further between France and England. Reader in Fine Art at Sheffield Hallam University, Research Associate of the Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research, London, she occupies herself with fine leathers, elegant embossing, improper attributes and borrowed vices. Attracted by Karl Marx, devoted to Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan, she frequently withdraws from theory to the solace of Parisian department stores. Her work is represented by Domo Baal Contemporary Art, London (U.K), and Galerie Bugdahn & Kaimer, Düsseldorf (Germany). Recent exhibitions in include Ça aura déjà eu lieu, Centre d’art contemporain, Morsang s/Orge, France, ‘Diderot’, Danielle Arnaud Gallery, London, Mes Fils, Domo Baal Contemporary Art, London, ‘Errata’, Sympra, Stuttgart, and La forme-valeur, Galerie du Cloître, Rennes. She had a solo exhibition at Akau Inc., Toronto in 2006, which included a new book work La forme-valeur, and she is currently working on a series of three books, Freud on Holiday, of which the first, Freud Dreams of Rome, is published by information as material, and the second, A Disturbance of Memory on the Acropolis will be published next year by information as material and Cube Editions (Athens). She is co-editor of Transmission: Speaking and Listening (Sheffield: Site 2001-2005) and The Rules of Engagement (London: Artwords 2004-2005), and guest editor of the Greek on-line contemporary art journal, art-omma, an issue on art and text (www.art-omma.com). She is currently exhibiting in ‘F*ck the Guilt’ at Bastart, Bratislave, a new centre for contemporary art, and is Visiting Fellow in the Institute for Germanic and Romance Studies, University of London, from 2006 to 2008, where she is working on the impossible translation of Freud’s dream-book