Radical Pedagogy Reading Group Launch
Friday, 22 February 2019, 7-9pm
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
Closest stations: Whitechapel / Aldgate East
Booking via Eventbrite, suggested donation £2

Join us on Friday, 22 February 2019 for the first meeting of the Radical Pedagogy Research & Reading Group!
We will exchange ideas, review the research questions and determine the syllabus.
Many thanks to everyone who submitted a research question and proposed reading for the draft reading list! We received many interesting and diverse proposals covering a broad range of relevant topics that we are looking forward to address. There are too many proposals to dedicate a reading group to each one within the next 12 months, so we have grouped them around common themes.
Proposals that are not selected for the syllabus in the launch event will be collected as reference material in the further reading of each section and we will hopefully come back to them later.
19:00-19:15 Intro (15min)
Alternative art education and the aims of the Radical Pedagogy Research & Reading Group. Background, aims and reasoning of the project.
19:15-19:30 Introductions: Why are we here? (15min)
Please introduce yourself. Why are you here? Please share a (positive or not so positive) experience of art education or alternative art education that you would like us to consider.
19:30-20:00 Group reading & discussion (30min)
We will read and discuss short texts on alt art education in groups of 3-4 and then feedback to the larger group. This prevents group think and allows a greater diversity of ideas to circulate within the group.
20:00-20:30 What is alternative art education? (30min)
Select a research question and self-organise into groups. Review, replace, revise or amend the research questions collectively and feedback to larger group. Please look for your own research question if you want to contribute to revisions.
20:30-21:00 Prioritise the research questions and determine the syllabus (30min)
Review and revise the proposed sequence of research questions, have discussions to resolve disagreements, finalise the syllabus and head to the pub.