…if one puts a creature into a Skinner Box, it will behave as one expects a creature in a Skinner Box to behave (Koestler, Arthur (1975). The Act of Creation. London: Picador, p. 248)
Two spaces of equal size are separated by a sheet of spy-glass. Each space is accessed through a different entrance. At intervals of 17 seconds the lighting in one room switches off while it simultaneously switches on in the other. In each case the glass division alternates between appearing as a reflective mirror and a transparent window into the adjacent space.

CAMERA Ronny Pohl
SOUND Stathis Skouropoulos
EXHIBITIONS Communication, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, 2000
COURTESY the artist EDITION 1 + artist’s copy
Sophia Kosmaoglou SKINNER-BOX (2000)
Double laminated spy-glass, spotlights, double time relay switch, DVD players, video projectors, CD players, amplifiers, speakers, 520 x 170 x 760 cm.