What is alternative art education?
Alternative Art School Weekender 22-24 March
Organised by TOMA (The Other MA)
Sunday, 24 March 2019, 2-4pm
Ugly Duck, 49 Tanner St, London SE1 3PL
Closest stations: London Bridge / Bermondsey
All welcome
In the first installment of the radical pedagogy research group we will address the first question in the draft reading list: What is alternative art education? Who is it for and what is it alternative to? Please find the download links below.

Please download and read the following texts in advance of the reading group.
- Koszerek, Pippa (2001). Independent Art School Conference. Journal of Visual Art Practice Vol. 1/2 (2001), pp. 111-115. A report on the concerns and ideas exchanged at the Independent Art School Conference, by organiser Pippa Koszerek. Starting off in 199 as a student protest in Hull, it evolved into a conference and curatorial project on the question of what an independent art school would look like.
- Koszerek, Pippa (2011). Alternative Art Schools. a-n The Artists Information Company. Research paper on the background to alternative arts schools and contemporary issues within art school education, particularly in light of the shift from student as learner to student as consumer, with case studies of alternative art schools.
- Ashill, Kathryn (2013). Symposium report: alternative art schools. a-n blog.
We will also discuss the topics that came up at the launch event on 22 Feb, including introductions, practical outcomes, the programme for upcoming sessions, timing and how we will communicate.