Tag Archives: Artquest

September Update ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ‚

September Update ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ‚

The days are getting shorter, the evenings are cooler, and we’ll be spending more time indoors. I usually dread this time of year, but I’m looking forward to getting a lot of work done. At least that’s the plan. Invariably, something always blows my plans out of the water; overcommitting, unexpected workloads or crises, and burn out. But I’m learning to pace myself and take time off. Working longer hours doesn’t necessarily mean getting more done, in fact if you’re tired or stuck it’s better to take a break or even a nap.

I recently found some time to return to the co-operative art school project for the first time since lockdown and it’s very exciting! Those who’ve been waiting to hear the outcome of the survey will be happy to know that it should be ready in the next couple of months. I have no social science training so I have no idea what I’m doing. I make it up as I go along, taking several different approaches, especially as the sample is quite small and the perspectives so diverse.

Plans and developments in the pipeline; I’m putting together a funding application for the next stage of the co-operative art school project, working on some writing and interviews and planning to publish an open call for the 2nd issue of URgh! on co-operatives in the arts. More on these and other developments in the next newsletter.

For the time-being I wanted to let you know that there are still a couple of slots for free Artquest One to One advice sessions in Oct/Nov. So head on over there if you’d like to discuss your practice and plans for the future. Be the first to find out about new Artquest One to One dates as soon as they’re posted by signing up to the Artquest newsletter, it also comes with a great selection of opportunities.

The Autumn 2023 Art+Critique online course starts in about a month and there are four places left. The course is popular beyond the M25 and it is more affordable as an online course with hybrid off-site visits, so the format is the same. We have just completed one year of a pilot peer support group for those who want to stay in touch after completing the course. I’m still working on aย  couple of new shorter courses so stay tuned for updates.

Wishing you a prolific and satisfying autumn ๐Ÿฎ

๐Ÿ“Œ Artquest One to One
Free one-to-one remote advice sessions for London-based artists
Book a free Artquest one-to-one advice session to get feedback about your work, build a strategy for an upcoming project, get practical career advice, discuss the logistics of operating as an artist and find out about other arts organisations and how they can support you.

๐Ÿ’ Art + Critique
Critical & Contextual Studies in Art Practice Online, Autumn 2023
17 Oct 2023 โ€“ 5 Mar 2024, Tuesdays 18:30-20:30 BST/GMT+1
ยฃ 435/ยฃ 348 Concessions (student, unwaged, disability)
This course integrates practice and theory to address our concepts of art, how they are transformed and the problems of making art in the broader context of social conflict.ย  The syllabus offers a solid background in essential histories and discourses of contemporary art to help artists address questions about their practice and its context: about what art is, how it is judged and how it relates to society. The curriculum emphasises critical inquiry in art practice and research and supports participants as they develop their practice and research in a series of lectures, seminars, workshops, group tutorials, off-site visits and assignments. The curriculum fosters experimentation and collaborative study in a community of peers.

๐Ÿ“ข Outpost Online & Art+Critique ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿš€

๐Ÿ“ข Outpost Online & Art+Critique ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿš€

It’s been a long hard slog but things are starting to look up with the easing of restrictions and a potential end in sight for Covid. In the meantime, if you’re feeling stuck or want to hatch some plans sign up for a free advice session with Artquest Outpost Online.

The next Art + Critique online course begins on Thu, 14 Oct 2021 and continues over two terms until 10 Mar 2022. I will continue to offer this course online to accommodate those who wish to participate from outside London and the UK. If you’re interested in a face-to-face course in London please stay tuned for updates when this becomes a viable option.

The Festival of Alternative Art Education is still postponed indefinitely due to restrictions on large indoor events, please stay tuned for updates and new dates when the events can go ahead.

๐Ÿ“ข Outpost Online

Free one-to-one remote advice sessions for London based artists

I’m very excited to be working with Artquest to provide one-to-one advice sessions to answer your questions and provide feedback on your work. This is an opportunity to get practical career advice, discuss the logistics of operating as an artist, and find out more about other services and organisations that can help you navigate the art world in these unprecedented times. When booking you can select which advisor you would like to meet based on their areas of expertise. Each session lasts 45 minutes and is conducted on either Skype or Zoom. The sessions are very popular so you are asked to book one session per year. The regular advisors are not all available every month, so if the slots are booked up orย if your chosen advisor isn’t available please try again the following month.

๐Ÿ’ Art + Critique

Critical & Contextual Studies in Art Practice Online Course

This course integrates practice and theory to address our concepts of art, how they are being transformed and the problems of making art in the broader context of social conflict. The syllabus will help you develop your practice and research in a series of lectures, seminars, workshops, tutorials and off-site visits.ย The lectures series surveys the histories and discourses of contemporary art, demystifies the art world and provides multiple entry points into critical theory. The programme fosters experimentation and collaborative study in a community of peers, and provides practical tools to empower you to pursue your practice with confidence.

Course aims, outcomes & learning objectives
By the end of the course participants will have a sound grasp of the historical underpinnings and current debates in contemporary art. They will be able to critically discuss and evaluate contemporary art. Participants will leave the course with critical awareness of contemporary art practice, a road map and a toolbox of methodologies for their continuing practice and the confidence to pursue it independently.

Who is it for?
The course is open to everyone at any stage of their career or level of experience but it is particularly suited to those who have a background and experience in art and wish to develop their practice and extend their knowledge of contemporary art practices and discourses.

Art + Critique: Critical and Contextual Studies in Art Practice Online Course
Thu, 14 Oct 2021 โ€“ Thu, 10 Mar 2022 with a five-week Winter Break
Every Thursday 6:30pm-8:30pm GMT+1 (BST)
Course fee: ยฃ340 / Concessions ยฃ272. If the course fees are a barrier to your participation please get in touch so that we can find a way to make it more accessible for you.

For more information about the course schedule, lectures and reading please visit the page and/or download the Course Outline

(Slow) Marathon: riveting + inspirational!

(Slow) Marathon: riveting + inspirational!

Thanks to everyone who came along and contributed to the Alternative Art Education (Slow) Marathon! We launched URgh!#1, amplified the movement, opened up the discussion on some of the more esoteric aspects of self-organised art education, demonstrated the possibilities of online education and had a lot of fun!

Continue reading (Slow) Marathon: riveting + inspirational!

Artquest Research Residency at Conway Hall Library

Artquest Research Residency at Conway Hall Library

As higher education gears up for two more weeks of strikes about pensions, casualisation, workload and pay levels, and independent unions continue their campaigns on wages, outsourcing and zero hours contracts, the extent of the reforms that the 2010 student protests and occupations were fighting becomes all too clear.

Continue reading Artquest Research Residency at Conway Hall Library

Conway Hall Residency: Interview 1

Conway Hall Residency 2019: Interview 1

Listen to the first interview with Nick Kaplony from Artquest on the Conway Hall Research Residency. We explore the objectives of my research at Conway Hall, the idea of a cooperative art school and some of the key concerns in my practice, such as the legitimising role of the institution and the need for alternative models of art education.

Continue reading Conway Hall Residency: Interview 1

A co-operative art school?

A co-operative art school?

A co-operative art school? is a research project on co-operative education, alternative art education, radical pedagogy and self-organisation, with the ultimate aim of raising awareness about cooperative art education and starting a co-operative art school. The project is supported by an Artquest Research Residency at the Conway Hall Humanist Library.

What would a co-operative art school look like? Who is it for and what would the benefits be? How would it work? These are some of the questions that this research project will address. If you would like to contribute you can fill in the survey or scroll down for more ways of getting involved. Please check back soon, this page will be updated regularly with more information and resources. To receive updates please join the mailing list.

Continue reading A co-operative art school?