Exciting times! We have a cornucopia of events and collaborations coming up in June and July, we’ve stared establishing co-operative practices and handing-over jobs, we submitted a residency application to MayDay Rooms to research and develop our educational programme and we’re submitting a workshop proposal for V22 Summer Club.

On 22 May we attended a talk by Rosalie Schweiker, the latest event in AltMFA’s Future Programme supported with funding from A-N. Rosalie and designer Margherita Huntley presented their forthcoming booklet titled Teaching for people who prefer not to teach. Inspired by the controversial Little Red Schoolbook, Teaching for people who prefer not to teach is a collection of resources for zero-hours educators, it questions current teaching practices in art education, introducing collectivity, humour, experimentation and invisible labour. Rosalie also talked about her work policy, work experiences and collaborations with other artists, everyone shared their own experiences and we discussed precarity, exploitation, making good decisions and having boundaries. We also heard about the history of AltMFA, how it is organised and what problems they’ve encountered.
This Friday, 9 June we’re discussing The Dismeasure of Art, an interview with Paolo Virno at Cafe Tropics in Elephant & Castle. This event will be chaired by Rubén Salgado Perez and if the weather is good we will be sitting outside, followed at 8pm by a live band!
The [ARTCRAWL] is coming up on Saturday, 24 June. This month we’re venturing off the beaten path to visit and discuss exhibitions at the Freud Museum and Furtherfield, with a stop at Thomas Dane on the way.
In July we’re planning a joint workshop together with AltMFA and we’re going on an excursion to visit TOMA in Southend-on-Sea. Please stay tuned for more information.
Virno: The Dismeasure of Art
Friday, 9 June 2017, 18:00 – 20:00
Tropics Café, Grow Elephant, New Kent Road, London SE17 1SL
Please note that this event will start promptly at 6pm
Free, please book your place
Hampstead to Finsbury Park (via Mayfair)
Saturday, 24 June 2017
14:00 -17:00
Starts 2pm at Freud Museum 20 Maresfield Gardens London NW3 5SX
Free, booking not required
Curating Contemporary Art
3 – 7 July 2017
10:00 – 16:00
Chelsea College of Art UAL, 16 John Islip Street, London SW1P 4JU
Please see the page for booking info
Critical Theory in Contemporary Art Practice
7 — 11 August 2017
10:00 – 16:00
Chelsea College of Art UAL, 16 John Islip Street, London SW1P 4JU
Please see the page for booking info
Kinki Club, Bologna. Spaghetti Disco, Red Gallery, London, Oct 2016. Photo by Graziella Ronchi.
Poster for Sharing Diverse Practices on Common Ground, 10 June 2017 (detail), by Rachel Ara.
Anonymous. Rechthoekige cartouche, 16th century. Photo by Paul K, 2008.
Gabriel Cornelius von Max [1889] Monkeys as Judges of Art (detail). Oil on canvas, 85 × 107 cm.