Tag Archives: self-organisation

Bibliography for a co-operative art school

Bibliography for a co-operative art school

This page includes bibliographies and reading lists on co-operative art education, alternative art schools, radical pedagogy and self-organisation. Complied in conjunction with the research project A co-operative art school? This bibliography accompanies the directory of alternative art schools and resources for a co-operative art school. For a collectively compiled syllabus on art education and radical pedagogy see the Radical Pedagogy Research Group. Continue reading Bibliography for a co-operative art school

Self-organisation for a co-operative art school: report

Self-organisation for a co-operative art school: report

Self-organisation for a co-operative art school, Antiuniversity Now! 2020.Many thanks to the participants who joined the workshop for their contributions and their patience! I can only hope that it was as useful for them as it for me. I was very excited to meet them and hear about their backgrounds, practices and reasons for joining the workshop. Many are members of collectives or cooperatives and it was especially good to have people drop in from Manchester, Newcastle, Bristol and Madrid! Continue reading Self-organisation for a co-operative art school: report

Self-organisation for a co-operative art school – Antiuniversity Now! 2020

Self-organisation for a co-operative art school

A workshop on self-organisation and collectivity for a cooperative art school

Fri, 12 Jun 2020, 6-9pm
All welcome, please book your place
This event is part of Antinuniversity Now! Festival 2020, 6-13 June

Continue reading Self-organisation for a co-operative art school – Antiuniversity Now! 2020

Self-organisation for a cooperative art school

Self-organisation for a cooperative art school

Fri, 12 Jun 2020, 6-9pm
Online via Jitsi Meet
All welcome, please book your place
This event is part of Antinuniversity Now! Festival 2020, 6-13 June

A workshop on self-organisation and collectivity for a cooperative art school Continue reading Self-organisation for a cooperative art school

A co-operative art school? Workshops at Conway Hall

Workshops for a co-operative art school

What would a co-operative art school look like? How would it work? Who is it for and what would the benefits be? Come along to a series of workshops at Conway Hall to discuss these questions and collectively explore potential models for a co-operative form of art education. Please click here for more information on the workshop series. To book please follow the links below.

Continue reading A co-operative art school? Workshops at Conway Hall

Radical Pedagogy Research & Reading Group (2019)


Radical Pedagogy Research & Reading Group

The Radical Pedagogy Research Group is a public forum and peer-led participatory action-research project on alternative art education, radical pedagogy and self-organisation, with the practical aim of developing a self-organised alternative studio programme. The reading group meets on the last Friday of every month, it is free and open to everyone who wants to join as long as they commit to the reading. We plan to organise additional workshops, screenings and other events that will emerge from our research. Please book your place and download the reading.

Continue reading Radical Pedagogy Research & Reading Group (2019)

The Big Other Looms

Many thanks to everyone who came along and contributed to our events in October! Thanks to all those who came to the candle-lit book club, with a very special thanks to Dee Vora and Penelope Kupfer for facilitating.

On Friday, 9 November Silvia Bombardini and Elliot Mason will be facilitating the third in a series of book clubs on Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher, continuing with chapters 6-7 (pages 43-65) on bureaucracy, dreams and memory.

Many thanks to everyone who came along and contributed to our quarterly meeting. We have a new volunteer coordinator for the book club! The group will reconvene at 6:30pm on 11 January 2019 to set a new course and syllabus. Please add the date to your diaries and come along with your suggestions and reading proposals.

Also in January 2019 we will have the first meeting of the research and reading group on radical pedagogy, alternative art education and self-organisation. The broader aim of this group is to create a forum for the discussion of alternative art education, with the practical aim of creating a syllabus for an alternative studio programme. The first meeting will take place at 6:30pm on 25 January 2019 to determine the syllabus and structure of the reading group. Please come along and bring your proposals, suggestions, ideas and questions.

More details on these events will be published in December. The date of the next quarterly meeting has provisionally been set for 6:30pm on 22 Feb 2019 at Larc.

Please join us for a drink this Friday, 9 November after the book club to celebrate our third birthday.

[SYMPOSIUM]#31 Fisher Capitalist Realism Pt.3[SYMPOSIUM] BOOK CLUB
Mark Fisher: Capitalist Realism Pt.3
Friday, 9 November 2018, 6:30pm – 9pm
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
Facilitated by Silvia Bombardini & Elliot C. Mason
Suggested donation £2, booking via Eventbrite

critical theory in contemporary art practice_banner[ART&CRITIQUE] COURSE
Critical Theory in Contemporary Art Practice
10 January – 14 March 2019, 6pm–8:30pm
Chelsea College of Arts, 16 John Islip Street, London SW1P 4JU
Tutor Sophia Kosmaoglou
Booking via UAL

IMAGE CREDITS Nicolas Copernicus (1543) Heliocentrism. De revolutionibus Orbium coelestium, libri IV. Philip Guston [1973] Painting, Smoking, Eating. Oil on canvas, 196.8 x 262.9 cm.[OPPORTUNITIES & ANNOUNCEMENTS]
November 2018
The list of opportunities, open calls, deadlines, announcements & vacancies is updated regularly.
If you would like to post your listing for open calls, opportunities or vacancies on the list please send us the details.

Elliot C. Mason [2018] Flyer for Symposium #31 Mark Fisher: Capitalist Realism Pt.3 (detail).

Philip Guston [1973] Painting, Smoking, Eating. Oil on canvas, 196.8 x 262.9 cm.

Alternative Art Schools

Louise Ashcroft [2017] All My Lives. Arebyte LASER, 17 July 2017.
Louise Ashcroft [2017] All My Lives. Arebyte LASER, 17 July 2017.

July was a busy month, we had several meetings and got together with alternative art schools to ignite a discussion on cooperation and exchange ideas on the future of education in the arts.

On Friday, 14 July we got together for an open meeting and workshop on self-organisation. We shared ideas and decided to follow-up with a series of workshops to address new questions that came up, to consider the part that self-organisation plays in alternative art education, and to address our own cooperative practices.

Sneak preview of 100% Southend, Twenty One, Southend-on-Sea. Photo Cristina Sousa-Martínez.
Sneak preview of 100% Southend, Twenty One, Southend-on-Sea. Photo Cristina Sousa-Martínez.

On Monday, 17 July it was great to catch up with members of AltMFA and  to hear all about their future plans at Louise Ashcroft’s exhibition All My Lives at Arebyte Laser.

Maximum Overdrive, 20 May - 10 Sep 2017. Focal Point Gallery, Southend-on-Sea.
Maximum Overdrive, 20 May – 10 Sep 2017. Focal Point Gallery, Southend-on-Sea.

On Sunday, 23 July we headed to Southend where were greeted by Tricia North and Michaela Bannon, two members of the first cohort of The Other MA (TOMA), a 12-month alternative art education model based at Metal Art School.  Hot on their heels was Emma Edmondson, founder and coordinator of TOMA, and we set off for an absolutely epic tour from Southend-on-Sea to Leigh-on-Sea.

Our first stop was the Railway Hotel, where we were joined by Simon Cole down from London on a different route. After catching up over vegan lunch and a drink we headed towards the seafront for a sneak preview of Twenty One, a brand new venue in Southend. We caught the installation of 100% Southend, an open access exhibition for the launch of the new space. We circled back through town to Focal Point Gallery to see the group exhibition Maximum Overdrive and Big Screen Southend, an open access rolling submission public screen. Follow the link to find out how to submit your work.

Emma Edmondson at Metal Art School, Southend-on-Sea.
Emma Edmondson at Metal Art School, Southend-on-Sea.

We passed the ostentatious University of Essex student accommodation building, the monumental VAT building, the Beecroft Art Gallery and enormous developments on the way to the Old Waterworks, an independent, artist-led space. We saw the artists’ studios, darkroom, printmaking facilities and Alison Lloyd’s exhibition Act 1 – 1 Act – Walking the Gallery, Closed – Walking Birchen Hat.

Richard Baxter's studio Old Leigh Studios, Leigh-on-Sea.
Richard Baxter’s studio Old Leigh Studios, Leigh-on-Sea.

Then we headed through streets of terraced houses to West Road Tap for a drink and chat about alternative art education and coops. We set off along London Road to Chalkwell Park, home of TOMA and Metal Art School. Emma gave us a tour of the studio spaces, the exhibition and meeting spaces, the cosy living quarters and work spaces with excellent views of the Thames estuary. Visit the website for more information on Time and Space Residencies at Metal, the next deadline is on 30 September 2017.

After bidding farewell to Metal and the beautiful park we got caught in a downpour which let up as soon as we got to Chalkwell station. The sun and tide were both out by the time we arrived Leigh-on-Sea where TOMA artist Richard Baxter’s studio is located. Richard told us about the boat-building history of the studio, he showed us his work and we talked about reading groups, practice, theory and choices in alternative art education.

Still somewhat damp from the storm we piled into the Mayflower to recount the the day over calamari and beer. We eventually had to run for the train back to London because we got carried away with the view of the moody estuary. For more images please see the album on our Facebook page. Thank you TOMA for a fantastic day!

Renata Minoldo [2017] Freehand embroidery. School of the Damned's Common Room, Guest Projects, 22-29 July 2017.
Renata Minoldo [2017] Freehand embroidery. School of the Damned’s Common Room, Guest Projects, 22-29 July 2017.
Sean Roy Parker [2017] Recycled pressings, work-in-progress. School of the Damned's Common Room, Guest Projects, 22-29 July 2017.
Sean Roy Parker [2017] Recycled pressings, work-in-progress. School of the Damned’s Common Room, Guest Projects, 22-29 July 2017.
School of the Damned [2017] Common Room, a public programme of free events. Guest Projects, 22-29 July 2017.
School of the Damned [2017] Common Room, a public programme of free events. Guest Projects, 22-29 July 2017.

On Monday, 24 July we had a special edition of the book club at School of The Damned‘s (SOTD) Common Room, a week-long public programme of free educational workshops, talks and participatory events at Guest Projects, 22-29 July 2017.

SOTD is an alternative contemporary art postgraduate course based in the UK. The school runs a labour exchange economy based, offering a series of skills hour-for-hour in return for guests’ time, venues workshop provision, etc.

For the book club, Renata Minoldo prepared and chaired a discussion on Pedagogical Projects: How do you bring a classroom to life as if it were a work of art? An essay from Claire Bishop’s 2012 book Artifical Hells on pedagogical participatory art projects.

The discussion was entirely unrestrained, we meandered beyond territories relevant to the text in several interesting directions, focusing mainly on pedagogical practice and ethics. We might benefit from a return to the text or a closer look at concepts such as Foucault’s notion of parrhesia (the obligation to speak openly), Adorno’s concept of autonomy and Guattari’s ethico-aesthetic paradigm and transversality in the context of art and education.

We were excited to meet several members of the SOTD class of 2018, aka Year of the Rooster before the book club, and to talk about their work. Sean Roy Parker ran a Wildflower and Floristry walk on the previous day and was busy  reconfiguring his collection of found objects  into new ensembles. We were sorry to miss the discussion on Self-organisation, Access and Sharing on the previous day and we heard all about the fascinating workshop Thinking with Water: Pooling resources, research and ideas with Emily Wooley.

We viewed the beautiful display of work  from Renata’s Freehand Embroidery Technique workshop from the previous day. Renata combines costume design, visual art and art education in her practice, she is interested in pedagogy, communities, education, interdisciplinarity and participatory art, both as member of SOTD’s class of 2018 and in the context of her art practice. She has compiled the School of the Damned Open Library, which focuses primarily on alternative art education.

Thanks to SOTD, Renata Minoldo and everyone who joined this riveting discussion on art, participation and pedagogy. It was a pleasure to be part of this exciting programme of events and to enjoy the positive energy of this friendly, cooperative and creative environment. The fallen fruit crumble was delicious.


The bad news is that our application for the MayDay Rooms residency was unsuccessful. The good news is that we’re making progress with our research on alternative art education, radical pedagogy and self-organisation by developing our links with alternative art schools and self-organised groups in London and the UK.

If you’d like to get involved please come to the meeting on Self-organsation on Friday, 14 July 6:30-8:30pm. The meeting is a chance to discuss our plans to develop collaborative, cooperative and collective practices as part of our pedagogical remit.

We have a series of meet-ups with alternative art schools lined up in July. First up we’re joining AltMFA to view Louise Ashcroft’s solo exhibition All My Lives at Arebyte LASER on Monday, 17 July 2017, 6-9pm.

On Sunday, 23 July we’re visiting Southend-on-Sea to meet members of The Other MA (TOMA) for a tour of the art school, local galleries and artists’ studios led by Emma Edmondson, founder and coordinator of TOMA.

On Monday, 24 July we’re reading Claire Bishop’s essay Pedagogical Projects with Renata Minoldo. This special edition of the book club is part of School of the Damned‘s residency at Guest Projects.

See you there!

[ART&CRITIQUE] Open Meeting, 12 May 2017. Photo by Penelope Kupfer.[ART&CRITIQUE] OPEN MEETING
Friday, 14 July 2017
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
All welcome, no need to book

Louise Ashcroft [2017] All My Lives, Arebyte LASER.Meet-up with ALTMFA
Louise Ashcroft: All My Lives
Monday, 17 July 2017
Arebyte LASER, 2 Pear Tree Street, London EC1V 3SB
All welcome, no need to book

The Other MA. METAL Art School, Southend-on-Sea.[ART&CRITIQUE] ART CRAWL
Visit to TOMA in Southend-on-Sea

Sunday, 23 July 2017, 12:20-18:00
Meet 12:20pm at Southend Central Station, Southend-on-Sea SS1 1AB
Curated by Emma Edmondson

Free, please book your place

Tania Bruguera & Anri Sala [2005] Cátedra Arte de Conducta (Behavior Art School), Havana, Cuba_thumb[SYMPOSIUM] BOOK CLUB
Bishop: Pedagogical Projects
Monday, 24 July 2017, 19:00–21:00
Guest Projects, 1 Andrews Road, London E8 4QL
Chaired by Renata Minoldo
Free, please book your place

Ward Shelley [2008] Who Invented the Avant Garde, ver. 2. Oil and toner on mylar, 28.5 x 62.5 inches.[ART&CRITIQUE] COURSE
Critical Theory in Contemporary Art Practice
Mon-Fri, 7—11 August 2017, 10:00 – 16:00
Chelsea College of Art UAL, 16 John Islip Street, London SW1P 4JU
Tutor Sophia Kosmaoglou
Please follow the link for booking info

Gabriel Cornelius von Max [1889] Monkeys as Judges of Art (detail)[OPPORTUNITIES & ANNOUNCEMENTS]
JULY 2017
The list of opportunities, open calls, deadlines, announcements & vacancies is updated regularly.
If you would like to post your listing for open calls, opportunities or vacancies on the list please use the contact form to send us the details.

[ART&CRITIQUE] Open Meeting, 12 May 2017. Photo by Penelope Kupfer.
Louise Ashcroft [2017] All My Lives, Arebyte LASER.
The Other MA. METAL Art School, Southend-on-Sea.
Gabriel Cornelius von Max [1889] Monkeys as Judges of Art (detail). Oil on canvas, 85 × 107 cm.



A bibliography on self-organisation, DIY, peer-to-peer networks, co-operation, collectivity, group dynamics, collaboration and study groups. Most of the links lead to accessible online copies, others link to the publisher’s page or other sources of additional information. For additional resources on self-organisation, group work, co-operation and collectivity see the separate resource pages for alternative art education and co-operative art education.

Continue reading SELF-ORGANISATION Bibliography