Tag Archives: Penelope Kupfer

The Big Other Looms

Many thanks to everyone who came along and contributed to our events in October! Thanks to all those who came to the candle-lit book club, with a very special thanks to Dee Vora and Penelope Kupfer for facilitating.

On Friday, 9 November Silvia Bombardini and Elliot Mason will be facilitating the third in a series of book clubs on Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher, continuing with chapters 6-7 (pages 43-65) on bureaucracy, dreams and memory.

Many thanks to everyone who came along and contributed to our quarterly meeting. We have a new volunteer coordinator for the book club! The group will reconvene at 6:30pm on 11 January 2019 to set a new course and syllabus. Please add the date to your diaries and come along with your suggestions and reading proposals.

Also in January 2019 we will have the first meeting of the research and reading group on radical pedagogy, alternative art education and self-organisation. The broader aim of this group is to create a forum for the discussion of alternative art education, with the practical aim of creating a syllabus for an alternative studio programme. The first meeting will take place at 6:30pm on 25 January 2019 to determine the syllabus and structure of the reading group. Please come along and bring your proposals, suggestions, ideas and questions.

More details on these events will be published in December. The date of the next quarterly meeting has provisionally been set for 6:30pm on 22 Feb 2019 at Larc.

Please join us for a drink this Friday, 9 November after the book club to celebrate our third birthday.

[SYMPOSIUM]#31 Fisher Capitalist Realism Pt.3[SYMPOSIUM] BOOK CLUB
Mark Fisher: Capitalist Realism Pt.3
Friday, 9 November 2018, 6:30pm – 9pm
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
Facilitated by Silvia Bombardini & Elliot C. Mason
Suggested donation £2, booking via Eventbrite

critical theory in contemporary art practice_banner[ART&CRITIQUE] COURSE
Critical Theory in Contemporary Art Practice
10 January – 14 March 2019, 6pm–8:30pm
Chelsea College of Arts, 16 John Islip Street, London SW1P 4JU
Tutor Sophia Kosmaoglou
Booking via UAL

IMAGE CREDITS Nicolas Copernicus (1543) Heliocentrism. De revolutionibus Orbium coelestium, libri IV. Philip Guston [1973] Painting, Smoking, Eating. Oil on canvas, 196.8 x 262.9 cm.[OPPORTUNITIES & ANNOUNCEMENTS]
November 2018
The list of opportunities, open calls, deadlines, announcements & vacancies is updated regularly.
If you would like to post your listing for open calls, opportunities or vacancies on the list please send us the details.

Elliot C. Mason [2018] Flyer for Symposium #31 Mark Fisher: Capitalist Realism Pt.3 (detail).

Philip Guston [1973] Painting, Smoking, Eating. Oil on canvas, 196.8 x 262.9 cm.

Separation Perfected

1 Creekside. Deptford Art & Gentrification Walk Pt.2, 29 Oct 2018.
1 Creekside. Deptford Art & Gentrification Walk Pt.2, 29 Oct 2018.
Frank Magennis talking about Deptford Cinema. Photo by Darshana Vora.
Frank Magennis talking about Deptford Cinema. Deptford Art & Gentrification Walk Pt.2, 29 Oct 2018. Photo by Darshana Vora.

Many thanks to everyone who came along and contributed to our events in September.

A very special thanks to all the participants, artists, activists, venues, galleries and studios that we visited on the Deptford Art & Gentrification Walk. Many thanks to the campaigners, to everyone who helped out and to everyone we encountered along the way.

Very excited to be gearing up for the second independent Critical Theory in Contemporary Art Practice course on Monday.

Our next event of the season is the book club on 12 October with a discussion on the Culmination of Separation, the first chapter of Guy Debord’s book the Society of the Spectacle. The discussion will be facilitated by Penelope Kupfer and Darshana Vora.

Our first quarterly meeting is on Friday, 26 October 6:30-8:30pm at Larc and everyone is welcome to attend and contribute to our plans for the future. We will discuss the book club, the proposal for a research and reading group on radical pedagogy, alternative art education and self-organisation, a new alternative studio programme and a new series of feedback sessions.

Patrick Mimran [2004] Billboard Project, New York. Photo Sophia Kosmaoglou. Critical Theory in Contemporary Art Practice [ART&CRITIQUE] COURSE[ART&CRITIQUE] COURSE
Critical Theory in Contemporary Art Practice
Mondays, 8 Oct–3 Dec 2018, 6:30pm-9pm & Sat 27 Oct, 2:30pm-5pm
Deptford Lounge, 9 Giffin Street, London SE8 4RJ
Tutor Sophia Kosmaoglou
Booking via Eventbrite

Jenny Holzer [1993] Alienation produces eccentrics or revolutionaries. Marquees series.[SYMPOSIUM] BOOK CLUB
Debord: The Culmination of Separation
Friday, 12 October 2018, 18:30–21:00
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
Facilitated by Penelope Kupfer & Darshana Vora
Suggested donation £2, booking link coming soon

Quarterly Meeting
Friday, 26 October 2018, 18:30-20:30
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
Closest stations: Whitechapel / Aldgate East
All welcome

IMAGE CREDITS Nicolas Copernicus (1543) Heliocentrism. De revolutionibus Orbium coelestium, libri IV. Philip Guston [1973] Painting, Smoking, Eating. Oil on canvas, 196.8 x 262.9 cm.[OPPORTUNITIES & ANNOUNCEMENTS]
October 2018
The list of opportunities, open calls, deadlines, announcements & vacancies is updated regularly.
If you would like to post your listing for open calls, opportunities or vacancies on the list please use the contact form to send us the details.

Jenny Holzer [1993] ‘Alienation produces eccentrics or revolutionaries’. Marquees series.
Philip Guston [1973] Painting, Smoking, Eating. Oil on canvas, 196.8 x 262.9 cm.

Debord: The Culmination of Separation

#30 Debord: The Culmination of Separation

Friday, 12 October 2018, 18:30–21:00
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
Closest stations: Whitechapel / Aldgate East

Facilitated by Penelope Kupfer & Darshana Vora
Suggested donation £2, booking via Eventbrite

In October we’re joining Penelope Kupfer and Darshana Vora to discuss The Culmination of Separation (or Separation Perfected), the first chapter of Guy Debord’s Society of the Spectacle, first published in 1967. Continue reading Debord: The Culmination of Separation

Tampering & Similitudes

Tampering & Similitudes

For our first event in December we’re heading to leafy Crystal Palace for a [STUDIOCRIT]. Join us this Saturday, 3 December to view the work of Johanna Kwiat and discuss Tampering, survival and the everyday. This event is free but due to limited capacity booking is essential. Continue reading Tampering & Similitudes



The SYMPOSIUM book club was a monthly open-access reading group for artists, researchers and anyone interested in the intersections between art practice and critical theory. Everyone was welcome to propose a text and facilitate the reading group.

Continue reading [SYMPOSIUM] BOOK CLUB