Tag Archives: book club

Debord: Negation & Consumption in Culture

#22 Debord: Negation & Consumption in Culture

Friday, 8 December 2017, 6:30pm-9pm
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
Closest stations: Whitechapel / Aldgate East
Facilitated by Aristotelis Nikolaidis
Suggested donation £2, booking via Eventbrite

[SYMPOSIUM] #22 Debord: Negation and Consumption in the Cultural Sphere. Flyer by Aristotelis Nikolaidis.
[SYMPOSIUM] #22 Debord: Negation and Consumption in the Cultural Sphere. Flyer by Aristotelis Nikolaidis.

In December we’re joining Aristotelis Nikolaidis to discuss Negation and Consumption in the Cultural Sphere, the eighth chapter of Guy Debord’s 1967 book The Society of the Spectacle.

DOWNLOAD Debord, Guy (1967/1995) Negation and Consumption in the Cultural Sphere, from his The Society of the Spectacle, transl. Donald Nicholson-Smith, New York: Zone Books, pp. 129-147.

Guy Debord’s The Society of the Spectacle is a landmark text of the Situationist International, and its most influential one together with Raoul Vaneigem’s The Revolution of Everyday Life. Originally published in 1967, it has been related to the radical heritage of the May 1968 uprising in France and has been in print as well as enjoyed new translations and editions to this day. Debord revisited it in his Comments on the Society of the Spectacle in 1988.

The Situationist International offered a radical critique of advanced capitalist societies, manifesting the fusion of art and politics and the prominence of everyday life as a field of analysis and intervention. It combined elements from Marxism and anarchism, and while being separate from both it developed in a libertarian direction and in opposition to the orthodox Marxist-Leninist canon of the time. The Situationists have been criticised, among other things for vanguard cultural elitism, as well as praised, among other things for contributing to the renewal of radical social theory and practice.

In The Society of the Spectacle Debord both draws and reflects upon Marx’s original analysis of the capitalist mode of production, including key concepts such as commodity fetishism and alienation. The result of such an intellectual endeavour is the production of an original perspective: the concept of the spectacle, a social relationship between people which is mediated by images, suggests a society where genuine activity is replaced by representation and social life is colonised by commodities. In this respect, the emerging critique promptly focuses on the key role of media culture and consumerism in late capitalism; but, unlike most of the contemporary postmodernist paradigm, it maintains a radical edge rooted in class consciousness and struggle.

Chapter 8, titled Negation and Consumption in the Cultural Sphere, emerges as a potentially useful reading with regard to art practice and theory on the basis of two reasons. On the one hand, it is the part of the book where Debord is principally concerned with art’s position in the field of culture; the provided discussion addresses the autonomy of culture and its connection to history in a class-based society, as well as art’s relation to language and communication and its function as a form of dialogue and a practice.

On the other hand, the text constitutes a sophisticated polemic against conventional social theory as well as a fierce defence of the unity between theory and practice; and its argument culminates in the discussion of détournement, a concept signifying the language of anti-ideology and subversive action. Perhaps it is in this respect that Debord echoes Marx most clearly, and his infamous eleventh thesis on Feuerbach more particularly: the point is not just to interpret the world, but to change it.

Aristotelis Nikolaidis studied sociology, completed a PhD in media and communications at Goldsmiths and has been involved in free and self-organised language programmes for migrants and refugees. He is teaching and researching in the field of social theory and media studies from a critical perspective, which is to say that he is at odds with marketization, careerism and precarious labour conditions in the university.


Why does Debord argue that ‘art’s declaration of independence is the beginning of the end of art’? (Thesis 186, p. 133)

How does Debord define avant-garde art? And how may the contrasting examples of Dada and Surrealism inform our understanding of the transcendent potential of art or lack thereof?

Why is conventional sociological theory criticised for offering ‘a spectacular critique of the spectacle’? (Thesis 196, p. 138)

Why does Debord argue that critical theory is inconceivable independently of a rigorous practice? (Thesis 203, p. 143)

In what ways may the concept of the détournement empower a radical critique and practice? How may it be related to contemporary practices such as culture jamming, for example in the case of the Adbusters, or to the work of conceptual artists such as Barbara Kruger?

Suggested further reading

Clark, John (2015) The Society of the Spectacle Reconsidered: Good Marx or Bad Marx?, Fifth Estate, 393

Cooper, Sam (2017) The Situationist International in Britain: Modernism, Surrealism, and the Avant-Gardes, New York: Routledge

Debord, Guy (1988/1988) Comments on the Society of the Spectacle, London: Verso

Eagles, Julian (2017) Marxism, Anarchism and the Situationists’ Theory of Revolution, Critical Sociology, 43(1): 13-36

Gray, Christopher (1974/1998) Leaving the 20th Century: The Incomplete Work of the Situationist International, London: Rebel Press

Kellner, Douglas (2003) Media Spectacle, London: Routledge

Knabb, Ken (ed.) (2006) Situationist International Anthology, Revised and Expanded Edition, transl. Ken Knabb, Berkeley: Bureau of Public Secrets

Vaneigem, Raoul (1967/2003) The Revolution of Everyday Life, transl. Donald Nicholson-Smith, London: Rebel Press

Wark, McKenzie (2011) The Beach Beneath the Street: The Everyday Life and Glorious Times of the Situationist International, London: Verso

Judd: Specific Objects

#17 Judd: Specific Objects

Friday, 21 April 2017, 18:00 – 20:30
88 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1DH
Rail/tube: City Thameslink, Blackfriars, St. Paul’s
Free, please book your place

In April we’re reading Specific Objects, a controversial essay by Donald Judd, originally published in 1965. This discussion will be chaired by Richard Burger. Continue reading Judd: Specific Objects

Cohn: Representation and Critique

#24 Cohn: Representation and Critique

Friday, 9 February 2018, 6:30pm-9pm
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
Closest stations: Whitechapel / Aldgate East
Facilitated by
Aristotelis Nikolaidis
Suggested donation £2, booking via Eventbrite
Continue reading Cohn: Representation and Critique

Something for Everybody

Many thanks to everyone who came along to our events in February. We’re thrilled to welcome Eva Ruschkowski as the new Symposium book club coordinator. A very special to thanks to her for facilitating the book club on Claire Bishop’s Artificial Hells last month.

This Friday, 8 March, 7-9pm we’re discussing the chapter on Easter Island in Jared Diamond’s book Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive. This book club will be facilitated by Tere Chad and Alter Us. Please follow the links for more info, to download the text and book your place. If you would like to facilitate the book club in future please visit the page for more info and come along to get involved.

Many thanks to everyone who came along to the launch of the Radical Pedagogy Reading Group. It was great to hear about everyone’s practice and particular interest in radical pedagogy and alternative art education. There was such a diversity of perspectives and questions, we’re very excited at the prospect of collaborating and learning together. The next session will take place on 24 March, 2-4pm at the Alternative Art School Weekender, a three-day festival and art school organised by TOMA (The Other MA) at Ugly Duck from Fri to Sun, 22-24 March. We’ve put an excellent programme together, check out the website for more details and come along.

On Saturday, 23 March, 12-4pm we’re running a collaborative DIY workshop at the festival to collect ideas on How To Start Your Own Art School in a handy and entertaining guide. Come along with your tips, ideas, stories, anecdotes, advice and full-blown manifestos! We will use all kinds of techniques, including collage, drawing, calligraphy and cut up poetry to produce A6 zine (105mm x 148mm). Materials and tools will be provided but you are welcome to bring your own. If you can’t come along to the workshop you can send your readymade page beforehand to info@artandcritique.uk.

The art crawl is back this month, join us on the last Saturday to view and discuss three artists’ films from Mayfair to Fitzrovia with Eva Ruschkowski. For more details and to book your place please follow the links.

Looking forward to see you there.

[SYMPOSIUM]#34 Jared Diamond Collapse. Flyer by Tere Chad.[SYMPOSIUM] BOOK CLUB
Jared Diamond: Collapse. How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive

Friday, 8 March 2019, 7pm – 9pm
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
Facilitated by Alter Us
Suggested donation £2, booking via Eventbrite

Sophia Kosmaoglou [2017] Art Skool Co-op Poster_thumb[ART&CRITIQUE] WORKSHOP
How To Start Your Own Art School
Saturday, 23 March 2019, 12-4pm
Ugly Duck, 49 Tanner St, London SE1 3PL
Alternative Art School Weekender 22-24 March
All welcome

ART&CRITIQUE workshop, First Alternative Education Open-Day 2017. Photo School of the Damned(1)_thumb400_1[ART&CRITIQUE] RADICAL PEDAGOGY RESEARCH & READING GROUP
What is alternative art education?
Sunday, 24 March 2019, 2-4pm
Ugly Duck, 49 Tanner St, London SE1 3PL
Alternative Art School Weekender 22-24 March
All welcome

artcrawl#14_thumb[ART&CRITIQUE] ART CRAWL
Mayfair to Fitzrovia: Joy, Dance, Magic
Saturday, 30 March 2019, 13:45 – 17:00
Meet 13:45 at Lévy Gorvy, 22 Old Bond St, Mayfair, London W1S 4PY
Curated by Eva Ruschkowski
Free, booking via Eventbrite

Philip Guston [1973] Painting, Smoking, Eating. Oil on canvas, 196.8 x 262.9 cm.[OPPORTUNITIES & ANNOUNCEMENTS]
March 2018
The list of opportunities,
open calls, deadlines,
announcements & vacancies
is updated regularly.

Flyer for SYMPOSIUM#34 Jared Diamond: Collapse, by Tere Chad.
Sophia Kosmaoglou [2017] Art Skool Co-op Poster.
Workshop, First Alternative Education Open-Day 2017. Photo by School of the Damned.
Flyer for ARTCRAWL#16 Mayfair to Fitzrovia, by Eva Ruskowski.
Philip Guston [1973] Painting, Smoking, Eating. Oil on canvas, 196.8 x 262.9 cm.

Claire Bishop: Artificial Hells

Claire Bishop: Artificial Hells

Friday, 8 February 2019, 7pm – 9pm
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
Facilitated by Eva Ruschkowski
Suggested donation £2, booking via Eventbrite

DOWNLOAD Claire Bishop (2012). Artificial Hells. Verso Books. Continue reading Claire Bishop: Artificial Hells

Xmas Xtra: Open Calls

Many thanks to Neil Lamont for facilitating the excellent discussion on The Idea of Communism and to everyone who came and along and contributed in December.

Join us on Friday, 11 January 2019 to help steer the course for the Book Club. We will discuss the reading agenda and how to shape decision making processes in the group. Come along to share your ideas about texts that help you think about your own practice, theory and research. You don’t need to be an expert: Everyone is welcome to propose a text and facilitate the reading group.

We’ve issued more tickets for the first meeting of the Radical Pedagogy Research & Reading Group! To book your place please fill in the submission and booking form and we will confirm your booking. This event sold out immediately and we can’t accommodate the level of interest it has generated. Start your local radical pedagogy reading group today!

critical theory in contemporary art practice_banner[ART&CRITIQUE] COURSE
Critical Theory in Contemporary Art Practice
10 January – 14 March 2019, 6pm–8:30pm
Chelsea College of Arts, 16 John Islip Street, London SW1P 4JU
Tutor Sophia Kosmaoglou
Booking via UAL

Photo by Eva Ruschkowski, 2015. [SYMPOSIUM] BOOK CLUB
Call for Book Club 2019
Friday, 11 January 2019, 6:30pm – 9pm
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
Facilitated by Facilitated by Dee Vora, John Fortnum and Eva Ruschkowski
Suggested donation £2, booking via Eventbrite

ART&CRITIQUE workshop, First Alternative Education Open-Day 2017. Photo School of the Damned.[ART&CRITIQUE] RADICAL PEDAGOGY RESEARCH & READING GROUP
Radical Pedagogy Reading Group Launch
Friday, 22 Feb 2019, 7pm – 9pm
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
Closest stations: Whitechapel / Aldgate East
Suggested donation £2, booking via Eventbrite

Philip Guston [1973] Painting, Smoking, Eating. Oil on canvas, 196.8 x 262.9 cm.[OPPORTUNITIES & ANNOUNCEMENTS]
January 2019
The list of opportunities, open calls, deadlines, announcements & vacancies is updated regularly.
If you would like to post your listing for open calls, opportunities or vacancies on the list please send us the details.

Photo by Eva Ruschkowski, 2015.
ART&CRITIQUE workshop, First Alternative Education Open-Day 2017. Photo by School of the Damned.
Tom Worsfold [2016] Hangover Apparition. Acrylic on canvas.

Mark Fisher: Capitalist Realism Pt.3

#31 Mark Fisher: Capitalist Realism Pt.3

Friday, 9 November 2018, 6:30pm – 9pm
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
Closest stations: Whitechapel / Aldgate East

Facilitated by Silvia Bombardini & Elliot C. Mason
Suggested donation £2, booking via Eventbrite Continue reading Mark Fisher: Capitalist Realism Pt.3

Debord: The Culmination of Separation

#30 Debord: The Culmination of Separation

Friday, 12 October 2018, 18:30–21:00
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
Closest stations: Whitechapel / Aldgate East

Facilitated by Penelope Kupfer & Darshana Vora
Suggested donation £2, booking via Eventbrite

In October we’re joining Penelope Kupfer and Darshana Vora to discuss The Culmination of Separation (or Separation Perfected), the first chapter of Guy Debord’s Society of the Spectacle, first published in 1967. Continue reading Debord: The Culmination of Separation

Seasons in the Sun

Bees in the Old Tidemill Wildlife Garden. Photo Sophia Kosmaoglou.
Bees in the Old Tidemill Wildlife Garden, Deptford.
Jamaican Independence Day, Old Tidemill Wildlife Garden Aug 2018. Photo Sophia Kosmaoglou.
Jamaican Independence Day, Old Tidemill Wildlife Garden, Aug 2018.
Peruvian Benefit Party, Old Tidemill Wildlife Garden May 2018. Photo Sophia Kosmaoglou.
Peruvian Benefit Party, Old Tidemill Wildlife Garden, May 2018.

Hope you had a chance to enjoy the sun and recharge your batteries over the summer! We have an exciting season of events ahead with many opportunities to get involved and help build a self-organised alternative art school.

Today Monday, 3 September is the last chance to apply for the Critical Theory in Contemporary Art Practice Bursary for a free place on the course. Please download the application form and return it by midnight tonight.

Join us on Saturday, 29 September for the second installment of the Deptford Art & Gentrification Walk. Meet at 1pm inside Deptford Railway Station for an afternoon of discussions on the relationship between art and gentrification.

On 26 October 2018 we have a general meeting to discuss the future of the book club and nominate a new coordinator. Please come along if you’d like to help run the book club, decide how it works and keep it going. We will also be discussing a new research and reading group on radical pedagogy, alternative art education and self-organisation leading to the launch of a self-organised studio programme in 2019.

If you were subscribed to the symposium discussion list and have been removed due to the new GBPR policies please get in touch to rejoin the list.

We’re helping to raise money for a legal challenge of Lewisham Council’s decision to demolish the community-run Old Tidemill Wildlife Garden and the council homes of Reginald House as part of a regeneration scheme of the Old Tidemill site in Deptford. Please donate so we can Save Tidemill, Save Reginald! or come along and get involved in the campaign.

Critical Theory in Contemporary Art Practice Bursary

DEADLINE Monday, 3 September 2018
Deptford Lounge, 9 Giffin Street, London SE8 4RJ
Tutor Sophia Kosmaoglou
Please click the link for more info

Deptford Art & Gentrification Walk Pt. 2
Saturday, 29 September 2018, 13:00 -18:00
Meet 1pm inside Deptford Railway Station, London SE8 3NU
Curated by Sophia Kosmaoglou and Paul Clayton
All welcome, booking not required

Patrick Mimran [2004] Billboard Project, New York. Photo Sophia Kosmaoglou. Critical Theory in Contemporary Art Practice [ART&CRITIQUE] COURSE[ART&CRITIQUE] COURSE
Critical Theory in Contemporary Art Practice
8 Oct–3 Dec 2018, 6:30pm-9pm & 27 Oct 2:30pm-5pm
Deptford Lounge, 9 Giffin Street, London SE8 4RJ
Tutor Sophia Kosmaoglou
Booking via Eventbrite

Chartist Meeting on Kennington Common, 10 April 1848. Photo by William Kilburn.[ART&CRITIQUE] MEETING
General Meeting
26 October 2018, 18:30-20:30
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
Closest stations: Whitechapel / Aldgate East
All welcome

IMAGE CREDITS Nicolas Copernicus (1543) Heliocentrism. De revolutionibus Orbium coelestium, libri IV. Philip Guston [1973] Painting, Smoking, Eating. Oil on canvas, 196.8 x 262.9 cm.[OPPORTUNITIES & ANNOUNCEMENTS]
September 2018
The list of opportunities, open calls, deadlines, announcements & vacancies is updated regularly.
If you would like to post your listing for open calls, opportunities or vacancies on the list please send us the details.

Old Tidemill Wildlife Garden, Deptford. Photos by Sophia Kosmaoglou.
Patrick Mimran [2004] Billboard Project, New York. Photo by Sophia Kosmaoglou.
Stanford’s Library Map of London & its Suburbs 1864, showing proposed Metropolitan Railways (detail).
Chartist Meeting on Kennington Common, 10 April 1848. Photo by William Kilburn.
Philip Guston [1973] Painting, Smoking, Eating. Oil on canvas, 196.8 x 262.9 cm.

School of Civic Action

UK Commons Assembly, organised by Public Works and Commons Rising. Tate Modern, 20 July 2018. Photo Darshana Vora.
UK Commons Assembly, organised by Public Works and Commons Rising. Tate Modern, 20 July 2018. Photo Darshana Vora.

Many thanks to Torange Khonsari from Public Works and Tim Flitcroft from Commons Rising for inviting us to the first UK Commons Assembly, at the School of Civic Action. We had an excellent time and look forward to the next meeting.

We’re taking a break in August but we’re back on on Saturday, 29 September for the second installment of the Deptford Art & Gentrification Walk. Meet us at 1pm inside Deptford Railway Station for an afternoon of discussions on the relationship between art and gentrification.

The Critical Theory in Contemporary Art Practice Bursary is a fee-waiver awarded to one applicant who will benefit most from participating in the course, regardless of previous experience, background or education. To apply please download the application form and return it by Monday, 3 September 2018.

Have a great summer!


Critical Theory in Contemporary Art Practice

DEADLINE Monday, 3 September 2018
Deptford Lounge, 9 Giffin Street, London SE8 4RJ
Tutor Sophia Kosmaoglou
Please click the link for more info

Deptford Art & Gentrification Walk Pt. 2
Saturday, 29 September 2018, 13:00 -18:00
Meet 1pm inside Deptford Railway Station, London SE8 3NU
Curated by Sophia Kosmaoglou and Paul Clayton
All welcome, booking not required

Patrick Mimran [2004] Billboard Project, New York. Photo Sophia Kosmaoglou. Critical Theory in Contemporary Art Practice [ART&CRITIQUE] COURSE[ART&CRITIQUE] COURSE
Critical Theory in Contemporary Art Practice
8 Oct–3 Dec 2018, 6:30pm-9pm & 27 Oct 2:30pm-5pm
Deptford Lounge, 9 Giffin Street, London SE8 4RJ
Tutor Sophia Kosmaoglou
Booking via Eventbrite

IMAGE CREDITS Nicolas Copernicus (1543) Heliocentrism. De revolutionibus Orbium coelestium, libri IV. Philip Guston [1973] Painting, Smoking, Eating. Oil on canvas, 196.8 x 262.9 cm.[OPPORTUNITIES & ANNOUNCEMENTS]
August 2018
The list of opportunities, open calls, deadlines, announcements & vacancies is updated regularly.
If you would like to post your listing for open calls, opportunities or vacancies on the list please send us the details.

UK Commons Assembly, organised by Public Works and Commons Rising. Tate Modern, Jul 2018. Photo Darshana Vora.
Patrick Mimran [2004] Billboard Project, New York. Photo Sophia Kosmaoglou.
Robert Mapplethorpe [1988] Sepia Orchid from the series Flowers. Toned photogravure, 50 x 51 cm.
Stanford’s Library Map of London & its Suburbs 1864, showing proposed Metropolitan Railways (detail).
Philip Guston [1973] Painting, Smoking, Eating. Oil on canvas, 196.8 x 262.9 cm.

Derrida: Signature Event Context

#27 Derrida: Signature Event Context

Friday, 11 May 2018, 18:30–21:00
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
Closest stations: Whitechapel / Aldgate East

Facilitated by Nat Pimlott & Sophia Kosmaoglou
Suggested donation £2, booking via Eventbrite

In May we’re discussing Signature Event Context, Jacques Derrida’s essay on John Austin’s speech act theory. It was originally delivered at a conference on Communication in 1971 by the Congrès international des Sociétés de philosophie de langue francaise in Montreal and first published in Marges de la philosophie (Margins of Philosophy) in 1972. Continue reading Derrida: Signature Event Context

Capitalist Realism

Gerhard Richter [1963] Party. Oil, nails, cord on canvas and newspaper, 150 x 182cm.
Gerhard Richter [1963] Party. Oil, nails, cord on canvas and newspaper, 150 x 182cm.
Wolf Vostell [1969] B 52 Lipstick Bomber. Serigraph and lipsticks behind glass in wooden box, 88 × 119.5 cm.
Wolf Vostell [1969] B 52 Lipstick Bomber. Serigraph and lipsticks behind glass in wooden box, 88 × 119.5 cm.

Many thanks to everyone who came along and contributed to an excellent discussion on Representation & Critique. A very special thanks to Aris Nikolaidis for facilitating! We grappled with definitions of modernism, postmodernism, anarchism, anarchist modernism and postmodern anarchism, and we tried to unpack their inter-relationships through Jesse Cohn’s vantage point. The discussion was inconclusive due to the sheer expanse of the material and deserves a follow-up.

In March we’re back at The Field for the first in a series of book clubs on Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher, starting with chapters 1-3 (pages 1-20). The book is 81 pages long and we can read it in 3-4 installments, something to decide at the end of the first session. The download link will take you to a PDF of the entire book. We will continue the series with chapters 4 & 5 on 11 May 2018, unless another proposal takes precedence. If you would like to facilitate any of the sessions please get in touch.

The Field New Cross reopens October 2017. Image courtesy of The Field.
The Field New Cross reopens October 2017. Image courtesy of The Field.

The Field reopened in October 2017 with a new cooperative structure. We’ve been invited to join the coop and we will have a meeting to discuss membership after the book club in March. If you are a member of A&C and would like to become member of the Field please come along or get in touch via email.

Many thanks to those who applied for the Fee-Waiver Award! If you haven’t heard from us yet please check your spam bin. It was a very close outcome based on an objective set of criteria which prioritised the needs of the individual candidates. Thanks to everyone who helped spread the word. We will announce the successful applicant by 9 March 2018, once they have accepted the offer and if they are happy for us to do so.

Gerhard Richter [1963] Party. Oil, nails, cord on canvas and newspaper, 150 x 182 cm.[SYMPOSIUM] BOOK CLUB
Fisher: Capitalist Realism
Friday, 9 March 2018, 6:30pm-9pm
The Field 385 Queen’s Rd London SE14 5HD
Facilitated by Sophia Kosmaoglou
Suggested donation £2, booking via Eventbrite

Patrick Mimran [2004] Billboard Project, New York. Photo Sophia Kosmaoglou.[ART&CRITIQUE] COURSE
Critical Theory in Contemporary Art Practice

19 April – 14 June 2018, 6:30-9pm + 5 May 2018, 2:30-5pm
Kupfer Arch 213, Ponsford Street, London E9 6JU
Tutor Sophia Kosmaoglou
£250 via Eventbrite or apply for the Fee-waiver Award

Announcements & Opportunities[OPPORTUNITIES & ANNOUNCEMENTS]
March 2018
The list of opportunities, open calls, deadlines, announcements & vacancies is updated regularly.
If you would like to post your listing for open calls, opportunities or vacancies on the list please use the contact form to send us the details.

Fisher: Capitalist Realism Pt.1

#25 Mark Fisher: Capitalist Realism Pt.1

Friday, 9 March 2018, 6:30pm-9pm
The Field 385 Queen’s Rd London SE14 5HD
Closest stations: New Cross Gate, Queens Road
Facilitated by Sophia Kosmaoglou
Suggested donation £2, booking via Eventbrite

In March we’re back at The Field for the first in a series of book clubs on Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher, starting with chapters 1-3 (pages 1-20). The book is 81 pages long and we can read it in 3-4 installments, something to decide at the end of the first session. The link below will take you to a PDF of the entire book. We will continue the series with chapters 4 & 5 on 11 May 2018, unless another proposal takes precedence. If you would like to facilitate any of the sessions please get in touch. Continue reading Fisher: Capitalist Realism Pt.1

Happy New Year!

First Alternative Education Open-Day. 1 Oct 2017, SET Space, London. Photo School of the Damned.ARTCRAWL#11 Hampstead to Finsbury Park, June 2017. Photo Cristina Sousa-Martínez.BOOKCLUB#19 Bishop Artificial Hells chaired by Renata Mindolo. Common Room, School of the Damned. Guest Projects 24 July 2017. Photo SOTD.First Alternative Education Open-Day. Oct 2017, SET Space, London. Photo Maria Christoforatou.Thanks to everybody who contributed to another venturesome year of free, autonomous, volunteer-run and self-organised alternative art education!

Thanks to everyone who came along to the discussions, crawls, workshops and meetings! Many thanks to everyone who chaired a book club, curated a crawl, facilitated a workshop or hosted an event. A special thanks to all the alternative art schools, organisations and individuals for the excellent meet-ups, exchanges and collaborations.

Many thanks to all those who coordinated events and venues, posted listings and promoted events, contributed materials and tools, attended meetings, complied minutes, carried out research, wrote proposals and summaries, made flyers and videos, did bookings and accounts, took photos, shared their feedback, set up, cleared up and did the washing up! Many thanks to everyone who donated, we’re almost breaking even thanks to your generosity. Thanks to everyone who supported the project by encouraging us, sharing, inviting friends and spreading the word.

Thanks to all who came along and contributed to a fascinating discussion on Guy Debord at the book club in December. A very special thanks to Aris Nikolaidis for chairing an excellent discussion.

In January we’re joining Neil Lamont to discuss Hypernormalisation, a 2016 film by Adam Curtis. Please book your place. We’ve just added more tickets, if they sell out please check back for cancellations.

See you next year! Let’s make it a good one x x x

Neil Lamont [2006] Apple billboard on Paris metro. Digital photograph.[SYMPOSIUM] BOOK CLUB
Adam Curtis: HyperNormalisation
Friday, 12 January 2018, 6:30pm-9pm
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
Facilitated by
Neil Lamont
Suggested donation £2, booking via Eventbrite

Announcements & Opportunities[OPPORTUNITIES & ANNOUNCEMENTS]
January 2018
The list of opportunities, open calls, deadlines, announcements & vacancies is updated regularly.
If you would like to post your listing for open calls, opportunities or vacancies on the list please send us the details.

First Alternative Education Open-Day. 1 Oct 2017, SET Space, London. Photo School of the Damned.
ARTCRAWL#11 Hampstead to Finsbury Park, June 2017. Photo Cristina Sousa-Martínez.
BOOKCLUB#19 Bishop: Artificial Hells with Renata Mindolo. Guest Projects, 24 Jul 2017. Photo School of the Damned.
First Alternative Education Open-Day. 1 Oct 2017, SET Space, London. Photo Maria Christoforatou.
Neil Lamont [2006] Apple billboard on Paris metro. Digital photograph.

Marx: The Fetishism of the Commodity and its Secret

#15 Marx: Fetishism of the Commodity

Friday, 10 February 2017, 18:00 – 20:30
Wimbledon Art Studios, 10 Riverside Rd, London SW17 0BB
Rail/Underground: Earlsfield, Tooting Broadway
Chaired by Sophia Kosmaoglou
Free, please book your place

In February we’re reading The Fetishism of the Commodity and its Secret, from Karl Marx’s Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, first published 1867 in Hamburg. Continue reading Marx: The Fetishism of the Commodity and its Secret

Negation / Consumption

J.R. Eyerman [1952] Audience at the opening-night screening of Bwana Devil, the first full-length colour 3-D movie. Paramount Theatre, Hollywood, 26 Nov 1952.
J.R. Eyerman [1952] Audience at the opening-night screening of Bwana Devil, the first full-length colour 3-D movie. Paramount Theatre, Hollywood, 26 Nov 1952.

We had a fascinating discussion on commitment and autonomy at the November book club on Adorno’s Commitment! Many thanks to all who joined and a special thanks to Nat Pimlott for facilitating the discussion.

We look forward to your company at the next book club, coming up on Friday, 8 December. This time we’re reading Negation and Consumption in the Cultural Sphere, the eighth chapter of Guy Debord’s 1967 book The Society of the Spectacle and discussing détournement with Aris Nikolaidis. For more information, to book your place and download the text please visit the page.

In August we visited Benedict Drew‘s exhibition The Trickle-Down Syndrome at the Whitechapel Gallery with students on the Critical Theory in Contemporary Art Practice course. The exhibition was a sprawling interconnected array of objects, banners, screens, cables and digital components. What is the Trickle-Down Syndrome? How does it relate to the infamous laissez faire economic theory? What are the throbbing fleshy forms and knobbly knotted forms represented in videos, banners and roughly-hewn objects? We spent a couple of hours viewing and discussing the exhibition and everyone was asked to write a 250-500 word review that evening for a workshop the next morning. Each review is written in a uniquely different style and approach, with a different interpretation of the exhibition. We were all very impressed by this outcome so we decided to share the results.

In January we’re discussing Adam Curtis’ 2016 film HyperNormalisation with Neil Lamont. Please book your place and view the film by following the links on the page. See you there!

J.R. Eyerman [1952] Audience at the opening-night screening of Bwana Devil, the first full-length colour 3-D movie. Paramount Theatre, Hollywood, 26 Nov 1952.[SYMPOSIUM] BOOK CLUB
Debord: Negation & Consumption in Culture
Friday, 8 December 2017, 6:30pm-9pm
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
Facilitated by Aristotelis Nikolaidis
Suggested donation £2, booking via Eventbrite

Patrick Mimran [2004] Billboard Project, New York. Photo Sophia Kosmaoglou.[ART&CRITIQUE] COURSE
Critical Theory in Contemporary Art Practice
11 January —15 March 2018, 6pm—8:30pm
Chelsea College of Arts UAL 16 John Islip Street London SW1P 4JU
Tutor Sophia Kosmaoglou
Booking via UAL

Neil Lamont [2006] Apple billboard on Paris metro. Digital photograph.[SYMPOSIUM] BOOK CLUB
Adam Curtis: HyperNormalisation
Friday, 12 January 2018, 6:30pm-9pm
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
Facilitated by
Neil Lamont
Suggested donation £2, booking via Eventbrite

Daniel Clowes [1991] End. Art School Confidential.[OPPORTUNITIES & ANNOUNCEMENTS]
The list of opportunities, open calls, deadlines, announcements & vacancies is updated regularly.
If you would like to post your listing for open calls, opportunities or vacancies on the list please send us the details.

J.R. Eyerman [1952] Audience at the opening-night of Bwana Devil. Paramount Theatre, Hollywood, 26 Nov 1952.
Patrick Mimran [2004] Billboard Project, New York. Photo by Sophia Kosmaoglou.
Neil Lamont [2006] Apple billboard on Paris metro. Digital photograph.
Daniel Clowes [1991] Art School Confidential. Eightball #7, Nov 1991.

Commitment / Autonomy

BOOKCLUB#20 Foucault: Of Other Spaces on Unison moored in Limehouse, 15 Oct 2017. Photo by Maria Christoforatou.
BOOKCLUB#20 Foucault: Of Other Spaces on Unison moored in Limehouse, 15 Oct 2017. Photo by Maria Christoforatou.

Many thanks to everyone who joined the October book club on Foucault’s Of Other Spaces. A special thanks to Dasha Loyko for facilitating this excellent discussion and to Anastasia Freygang for hosting us on Unison.

On Friday, 10 November we’re reading Theodor Adorno’s essay Commitment and discussing the autonomy of art with Nat Pimlott at LARC. Doors open at 6:30pm for tea on the ground floor, the book club will begin at 7pm on the top floor.

Booking is not required but please arrive early, doors will close when the book club starts or if we reach maximum capacity. When you arrive please ring the bell located to the left of the entrance. For more information and to download the text please visit the website.

See you there!

[SYMPOSIUM] #21 Adorno Commitment. Flyer by Nat Pimlott.[SYMPOSIUM] BOOK CLUB
Adorno: Commitment
Friday, 10 November 2017, 6:30pm-9pm
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
Facilitated by Nat Pimlott
Suggested donation £2

Patrick Mimran [2004] Billboard Project, New York. Photo Sophia Kosmaoglou.[ART&CRITIQUE] COURSE
Critical Theory in Contemporary Art Practice
11—15 December 2017, 10am—4pm
Chelsea College of Arts UAL 16 John Islip Street London SW1P 4JU
Tutor Sophia Kosmaoglou
Booking via UAL

Daniel Clowes [1991] End. Art School Confidential.[OPPORTUNITIES & ANNOUNCEMENTS]
The list of opportunities, open calls, deadlines, announcements & vacancies is updated regularly.
If you would like to post your listing for open calls, opportunities or vacancies on the list please send us the details.

[SYMPOSIUM] #21 Adorno: Commitment. Flyer by Nat Pimlott.
Daniel Clowes [1991] Art School Confidential. Eightball #7, Nov 1991.


Wade Guyton: Das New Yorker Atelier, Abridged. Sep 2017 - Feb 2018, Serpentine Gallery, London. Photo by Mandy Wong.
Wade Guyton: Das New Yorker Atelier, Abridged. Sep 2017 – Feb 2018, Serpentine Gallery, London. Photo by Mandy Wong.

We got the autumn season off to a great start last weekend! Thanks to Anca Baciu and Mandy Wong for curating, and to everyone who came along on the art crawl from Marylebone to South Kensington on Saturday. We started off with Allora & Calzadilla at the Lisson Gallery, where we wondered how the exhibition lives up to the political critique in the press release. Looking at Wade Guyton‘s work at the Serpentine, we wondered how the large-scale digital prints on stretched canvas or digital prints arranged in display cases are “pioneering painting techniques that explore the impact of digital technologies”. We more or less came to the conclusion that this could be justified by referencing the work’s engagement with formalist concerns such as flatness, surface, illusion etc. We got utterly exhausted by the V&A LGBTQ Tour, which was delivered with energy and enthusiasm. We unanimously applauded this excellent initiative, but were disappointed at the emphasis on anecdotal stories about celebrities.

First Alternative Education Open-Day. 1 October 2017, SET Space, London.
First Alternative Education Open-Day. 1 October 2017, SET, London.

Many thanks to School of the Damned for inviting is to the First Alternative Education Open Day! It was a privilege to be part of this excellent landmark event together with other alternative art schools. We covered a lot of ground in a relentless series of workshops, met new people, exchanged ideas, played games and had a great time. Many thanks to Maria Christoforatou for preparing and facilitating our workshop, we collected participant responses and we’re putting those together to share. In the meantime you can download the handout with A4 poster.

[SYMPOSIUM]#20. Flyer by Dasha Loyko.[SYMPOSIUM] BOOK CLUB
Foucault: Of Other Spaces
Sunday, 15 October 2017, 1:30pm – 4:00pm
Yurt Café, St. Katharine’s Precinct, 2 Butcher Row, London E14 8DS
Facilitated by Dasha Loyko
Free, booking via Eventbrite

Our next event is the book club on Michel Foucault’s essay Of Other Spaces, facilitated by Dasha Loyko and hosted at Unison, a former lifeboat turned project space by Anastasia Freygangto create a shifting pocket of inquiries”. We’re meeting at Yurt Café, located next to Limehouse station before we walk to the boat moored nearby. For more information, to download the text and book your place please visit the page.

Daniel Clowes [1991] End. Art School Confidential.[OPPORTUNITIES & ANNOUNCEMENTS]
The list of opportunities, open calls, deadlines, announcements & vacancies is updated regularly.
If you would like to post your listing for open calls, opportunities or vacancies on the list please use the contact form to send us the details.

ART SKOOL CO-OP. Poster by Sophia Kosmaoglou.
[SYMPOSIUM] #20 Foucault: Of Other Spaces. Flyer by Dasha Loyko.
Daniel Clowes [1991] Art School Confidential. Eightball #7, Nov 1991.